Caminho de Santiago em Bicicleta
Caminho da Costa - "fácil"
O caminho de Santiago pela costa apresenta-se como uma alternativa fácil, quando comparado com os percursos Portugueses mais tradicionais. O destino final permanece o mesmo, porém os desafios estão assim ao alcance da grande maioria dos ciclistas.
Antes do início da peregrinação até Santiago de Compostela, desfrute connosco de um passeio pela cidade do Porto. Ficará assim a conhecer um pouco da sua arquitectura, do seu património e tradições locais.
Com o decorrer desta jornada até Santiago, passe por diversos destinos de muito sol e praia, como é o caso de Esposende, Caminha e Bayona. Desfrute das famosas ostras de Arcade e entenda porque Caldas de Reis detém relevância nobiliárquica. Por fim atingiremos a Praça de Obradoiro, onde se ergue a colossal catedral barroca que oferece sepultura ao restos mortais do apóstolo Santiago.
Descrição da rota:
- Rota plana durante os três primeiros dias com poucas subidas suaves e curtas. Montanhoso nos três últimos dias por estradas secundárias.
- 30 % ciclovias e passadiços, 30 % caminhos em terra suave. Algumas ruas em paralelo e caminhos em terra irregulares. 20 % estradas pavimentadas com pouco tráfego.
- Altimetria acumulada de 4121 metros.
Itinerário 7 noites / 8 dias::
Dia 1: Recepção no Porto
Dia 2: Porto – Esposende (60 km)
Dia 3: Esposende – Caminha (50 km)
Dia 4: Caminha – Baiona (40 km)
Dia 5: Baiona – Pontevedra (64 km)
Dia 6: Pontevedra – Caldas dos Reis (26 km)
Dia 7: Caldas dos Reis – Santiago de Compostela (40 km)
Itinerário 8 noites / 9 dias:
Dia 1: Recepção no Porto
Dia 2: Porto – Esposende (60 km)
Dia 3: Esposende – Caminha (50 km)
Dia 4: Caminha – Baiona (40 km)
Dia 5: Baiona – Vigo (25 km)
Dia 6: Vigo – Pontevedra (39 km)
Dia 7: Pontevedra – Caldas dos Reis (26 km)
Dia 8: Caldas dos Reis – Santiago de Compostela (40 km)
Antes de ser iniciada a jornada até Santiago de Compostela, é quase obrigatório explorar o Porto, classificado como Património Mundial e Capital da Cultura e Turismo. Junte-se a nós num passeio a pé pela cidade e descubra parte do património que esta cidade tem para oferecer. Conheça lugares famosos como a livraria que influenciou o livro Harry Potter de J.K. Rowling, o magnífico mercado da bolsa, os azulejos azuis e brancos que se escondem a cada esquina e muito mais. Arte, património e tradições esperam por si ao longo deste pequeno passeio pela cidade. Alojamento, Hotel 4 *: Porto Trindade Hotel
niciará a sua viagem em direcção a Esposende a partir da nossa loja Top Bike Tours Portugal, sediada na Invicta cidade do Porto. Durante este primeiro dia, verá inúmeras paisagens à beira-mar, assim como pequenas "rivieras portuguesas" Atravessará uma enorme variedade de vilas piscatórias, como é o caso da Póvoa de Varzim, onde se pode testemunhar antigas tradições ligadas à pesca e onde poderá saborear esta famosa gastronomia. Em Vila do Conde irá perceber a razão, pela qual estas cidades costeiras foram tão importantes durante o período áureo dos Descobrimentos Portugueses. Alojamento, Hotel 4 *: Portas do Sol Hotel
Viana do Castelo estabelece-se como a principal cidade por onde irá passar. Esta serve como mais um belo exemplo de uma cidade de ancoragem à beira-mar, e com uma conotação ancestral e uma enorme importância durante os Descobrimentos. Durante os séculos XIV e XV, foi nesta cidade que foram desenvolvidos os navios, que partiram para o Brasil, Índia, África e outras colónias portuguesas. O seu destino final será Caminha. Esta cidade encontra o delta do rio Minho, sendo parte de uma paisagem incrível. A cidade de Caminha é largamente conhecida pelo seu património natural, como as áreas de passeios, cachoeiras, praias e parque de campismo. Alojamento, Hotel 4 *: Parador Baiona Hotel
Neste dia vamos começar por atravessar o rio minho e desembarcar em território espanhol. O seu destino, Baiona, é uma cidade politicamente ligada a Pontevedra, onde se pode respirar a brisa do mar. Para além da paisagem marítima, poderá perder-se no antigo centro da cidade, nascido a partir de raízes romanas e que cresceu sempre em direcção ao litoral durante a Idade Média, com a influência da Igreja Católica. Curiosamente, durante o século XVI, Baiona foi invadida por navios britânicos liderados pelo grande corsário e explorador Francis Drake, que viu uma oportunidade para estabelecer um ponto comercial e mercantil neste território. Alojamento, Hotel 4 *: Parador Baiona Hotel
Desde a ria de Vigo até à baía de San Simon terá uma paisagem marítima para regalar os olhos. Seguindo sempre a linha da costa, este dia será dedicado a Arcade e às suas famosas ostras. Não obstante esta deliciosa iguaria, poderá ainda ver monumentos e pontos turísticos dedicados à cultura de Santiago, como a igreja de Santiago em Arcade, dos séculos XII-XIII, e as estradas e caminhos que o levarão ao seu destino de peregrinação. É quase obrigatório passar por Arcade e apreciar as famosas ostras, produzidas e colhidas nas águas da região. Durante a primeira semana de abril ocorre um festival dedicado a esta gastronomia tradicional, a "Fiesta de la Ostra", onde a cidade se encontra repleta de turistas e peregrinos que vêm de longe para participar neste evento. Alojamento, Hotel 4 *: Parador Pontevedra Hotel
De acordo com os arquivos históricos, Caldas de rei tem a sua origem numa comunidade pré-romana que vivia das fontes termais deste território. O seu nome está ligado ao local de nascimento de Afonso VII, altura em que actuava já como um caminho de peregrinação a Santiago de Compostela. Além da rica herança cultural, como Arcade, Caldas de Reis mantém uma gastronomia peculiar, tais como as "empanadas" de lampreia e do pão tradicional espanhol. Uma vez que as fontes de água quente acompanharam a evolução deste território, hoje em dia é um ponto de interesse turístico para quem procura tratamentos mais saudáveis para diversas doenças. Alojamento, Casa Rural: Torre do Rio
O último e sétimo dia será percorrido desde Caldas de Reis até Santiago de Compostela, o nosso destino final e um dos núcleos de peregrinação religiosa na Europa Ocidental. Tal como Roma e Jerusalém, a cidade de Santiago de Compostela apresenta-se-nos como um ícone religioso único para os turistas, que encontram nesta viagem de ciclismo um acto de fé e de realização interna. Chegará à Praça de Obradoiro, onde terá a possibilidade de contemplar a majestosa catedral barroca, onde os restos mortais do apóstolo estão localizados. Alojamento, Hotel 4 *: Compostela Hotel
- LS - Low season: Nov 01 a Mar 25
- RS - Regular season: Mar 26 a 25 Jun e Set 26 a 31 Oct
- HS - High Season: Set 01 a 25 Set
- SS - Summer Season: Jun 26 a August 30
- Preços baseados para 2 pessoas que partilham o mesmo quarto; standard
- Quartos vista mar (quando disponiveis) ou quartos premium, preços sob consulta
- Preços podem sofrer alterações devido a alta temporada, feriados ou fins de semana
- Bebidas não incluídas ao almoço ou jantar quando incluídas no package
- Se em quarto triplo com os pais Crianças até 10 anos - desconto de 35%. Crianças dos 11 aos 14 anos - 20% de desconto. Crianças dos 15 aos 17 anos - 15% de desconto.
- Bicicleta Elétrica: 270€ (315 € no Package de 8 noites)
- Suplemento para quarto individual: 390€, RS: 420€, HS: 450€, SS.480€
- Suplemento para quarto individual opção 8 noites: 445€, RS: 475€, HS: 505€, SS.535€
- Viajante único: 200 €
- Viajante único opção 8 noites: 220 €
- Noites extra: sob consulta
- Preço para Grupo privado: sob consulta
- Taxa turística não está incluída no preço do package (aproximadamente 2€ por pessoa por noite - pagos no local - em Lisboa a Taxa turística é de 4€ por pessoa por noite)
- Ferry (barco) na travessia de rio/lago não está incluído no preço do package (aproximadamente 2€ a 10€ por pessoa)

What People Are Saying
Janice, Campbell River, Canada,I found this trip to be fabulous from start to finish. Sergio, Jose and Pedro went out of their way to be helpful, and to meet the different needs of everyone in the large group.The route had its challenges, with cobblestones, some steep dirt pathways and some city streets to maneuver, but Jose and Sergio worked very professionally to keep the group safe no matter what the terrain or riding conditions. Pedro would meet us with the support van at designated spots to top us up with water and snacks. The bikes were very well maintained, and got the once over by our guides after every day of riding to
make sure they were ready to go for the next morning. Our hotel accommodations were very well appointed, (with an extensive buffet breakfast always included), and every day we had a hearty lunch at a restaurant en route, as well as multi-course dinner at each of our destination cities along the way.
With the spectacular coastal scenery, the top notch guides, and the camaraderie of the group, this was one of the best cycling tours I have ever experienced.
Alex, Nova Scotia,18 of us went with Fold-N-Go and it was a great decision. Sergio and crew went well above and beyond in tour support. Coming straight from an Nova Scotia winter with little ability to precycle/train as well as some inexperienced riders the trip was a challenge but was well supported.This was our groups' 3rd European bike trip and by far the most rewarding.
We had ZERO complaints! I never fill in these reviews but this is the tour company to select. Sergio is building his company and gave immediate attention to any request no matter how minor.
'2 thumbs up!'
Don, USA,A BRILLIANT Lifetime memory provided by Top Bike Tours Portugal! We biked over a week from Porto to Santiago de Compostela! Sergio and the team took great care of us from the moment we arrived. The journey, the path, "the Camino", the way of the Saints from Porto is soo wonderful, along the Atlantic Coast with provincial village scenes mixed with pastoral meadows, beaches, pastures with grazing animals. While TBT Portugal didn't create all of that scenery, they made our trip so easy and pleasurable with our stays in fantastic hotels ( 2 castles!), and bringing us to the city centers to enjoy lunch and breaks. TBT Portugal does a GREAT Job!
David Craft, Portugal,My wife and I did the St.James way on bicycles with Top Biketours Portugal, The owner and tour guide Sergio was wonderful. Sergio picked us up at the train station in Porto and fitted us to our brand new mountain bikes. The next day John gave us an excellent walking tour of Porto.
We had a group of nine with ages ranging from 84
to 40. Five of the group had e-bikes and the remainder of us had regular bikes.Everyone in the group were so nice and became great new friends.
We stayed in some fantastic hotels and two castles. The food and comradely was wonderful.
The only trip that comes close to this bike tour was hiking the Inca trail to Michu Pechu.
We will come back and do the Southern route
with Top Biketours of Portugal.
Thank you Sergio for all the wonderful memories.
Kevin, USA,My brother and I made our way to Porto to embark on this tour which we were doing as unsupported self guided. The service we got from Sergio and his staff was nothing short of spectacular. Starting from Henrique's guided city tour of Porto to the amazing hotels they arranged to the great bikes they provided, everything was first class. Sergio checked on us during the week to make sure there were no problems and made us feel like friends not customers
The one thing I would mention is I would not classify this as an easy ride.
Andy, USA,We did the bike tour to Camino de Santiago from Porto. Sergio and the entire Top Bike Tours have been nothing short than amazing. They are so responsible and prepared, they have lots of knowledge about the path and surroundings, they were prepared with tools, water, snacks, tools and spares to make the trip as smooth as possible. They booked us at the most amazing hotels making the experience even better, people on other tours saw the hotels we stayed at and felt their experience was so underwhelming compared to ours. I had done other bike tours and this was so much better than previous ones. I truly recommend this company.
Larry Gallegos, USA,The bike ride was a wonderful experience, going through small town villages, and along the coastline of Portugal and Spain. We rode 25 to 40 miles per day on various terrains. The bikes were exceptional for our tour. We met wonderful people along the way and rode along side, new friends from Brazil, the US and Canada. Our guides were exceptional and Sergio paid great attention to detail in our hotels, our meals and all accommodations. He is a very gracious man and he made us feel part of his family. Arriving to Santiago cathedral in Spain was a most uplifting and spiritual part of the trip. You felt the genuine faith among the people and we were grateful to be able to participate in this wonderful pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela .
We would definitely do another tour with Sergio and Top Bike Tours.
Jucelaine, Brasil,Uma viagem incrível, com paisagens inesquecíveis. A rota no território português é pela Costa e ao chegar à Espanha a maior parte de trajeto é pela mata.
A escolha dos hotéis e restaurantes me surpreendeu positivamente (levando-se em conta que é uma viagem de aventura e não de luxo).
Mas o melhor de tudo foram as amizades que ficarão para a vida.
Vale muito a pena!!
Bob, Canada,My wife and I have now experienced seven European bike tours in various countries. Six were guided as was this one. This tour is a notch above all the others. You are in the constant hands and service of Sergio and his carefully chosen guides. The biking can be challenging at times. We chose the basic package with the meal plan. The accommodation and meals were excellent. If you invest and trust in Sergio, you will be richly rewarded. He is truly one of a kind. If you are as lucky as we were to be matched with kind and generous fellow travellers, you too may also come away with one or more life long friends.
Ilana, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil,O passeio foi do dia 25/04/18 a 01/05/18.
O grupo era de 18 canadenses e eu de brasileira.Foi tudo maravilhoso, desde os percursos até os hotéis, restaurantes, as bicicletas.
Sergio sempre muito atencioso, rápido nas respostas,organizado e prestativo.
Ainda no tour tivemos o Pedro e José, igualmente gentis e atentos a tudo e a todos.Super recomendo!!!
Farei outro com certeza!!
Muito obrigada!!
Ilana / Rio de Janeiro
Marcos Camizão, Brasil,Fantastic bike ride good hotel Very Nice groug great service. ..great cities..and routes...Nice Weather
Jim Goia, USA,I recently completed The Way of St. James bike tour, and it could not have been a better experience. We were a large group, over twenty, but Sergio, Jose, Tiago and Pedro all worked incredibly hard to not only keep us all safe and on course but to feel personally cared for in spite of such a large group. I was one of two vegetarians on the trip, and even though lunch and dinner were technically "on your own" our guides took great care to make sure we were well fed.
The route itself was beautiful and varied. The first few days were remarkable for their beautiful ocean views. Crossing into Spain, and moving inland we cycled down country roads through small town and villages, and through the woods on beautiful paths.
The accommodations beat all my expectations, we stayed in some truly special hotels, a real treat after a day on the bike.
The bikes were all in great shape and checked out every night. I had an issue one day with my bike not shifting properly (most likely because I knocked the derailleur after a clumsy little spill that morning) It was fixed immediately and worked perfectly for the rest of the trip.
All in all, this was a great trip thanks to the excellent work of Sergio, Pedro, Tiago, and Jose. They provided first rate customer service, but felt like friends!
Paola, America,We did a 5 days trip to Santiago de Compostela, the team provided us with the pilgrims' credentials, maps and all the additional info to help us plan the trip. The bikes and the service were really good, the team is super nice and helpful, I will definitively recommend it!
Earle, Nova Scotia,Recently my wife and I traveled with 18 others from Canada to Porto . The bikes were top notch and new or almost new. The guides took very good care of us and we felt safe at all times. They went well beyond what they needed to when I needed medical help(nothing related to the biking) and made the experience as smooth as possible. The accommodations were first rate. I have done a number of biking trips in Europe and the guides and support team was by far the most helpful. I would recommend them to any one.
Fernando Tassara, Brasil,Nossa família composta de 03 adultos começou nossa aventura no dia 16 de março.
Desde o início fomos atendidos com toda a atenção e carinho por parte dos componentes da empresa, sem exceção.
O Guilherme nos acompanhou por todo o primeiro trecho ( 60 km !) para certificar que tudo correria bem conosco.
Fomos colocados em hotéis de altissimo nível.
Nos deram excelentes indicações de restaurantes e locais de turismo.
Fomos apanhados em Santiago na hora em que solicitamos pelo Pedro que, além de gentil e educado, dirige muito bem e nos deu excelentes dicas para a volta ao Porto.
É um tour para quem já tem hábito de pedalar. São 300 km em 6 dias.
Não percam a oportunidade de conhecer o interior de Portugal e da Espanha!
Saulo, Brasil,Não sou de fazer avaliações, mas esta fiz questão!!! Sobre o passeio, que só quem o fez sabe o que estou falando, é INDESCRITÍVEL!!!! Quanto aos serviços oferecidos pelo pessoal do Sérgio, digo, com absoluta certeza: foram muito além do esperado... Competentíssimo, sério, dicas sensacionais, bicicletas de excelente qualidade, enfim, perfeito. Nosso grupo é unânime em dizer que nossa viagem foi perfeita pela segurança e prestabilidade do pessoal da Fold N Visit-Rent a Bike!!! Parabéns!! Recomendo a todos.
Peter, USA,This was an incredible biking adventure, along the coastal route of the Camino Santiago! Sergio and his team were fantastic guides, securing everything we needed at a moment’s notice. We couldn’t have done it without them!
Lin, China,I have walked through the magnificent mountains and rivers of South America, experienced the primitive features of Antarctica, and also sighed at the appearance of the Amazon Valley, but only the trip to Camino really made me feel that the eternal light of human civilization and wisdom is something we are proud of and The light of the soul that needs to be sought. This journey is not only the praise of five stars, thank you for your guidance, this is the light of my heart
Peter Birks, New Zeland,This was an amazing ride. We had previously done the Silver Coast so this was the next step up for me. The electric bikes were great...I wouldn't have been able to do it without it. The scenery throughout was stunning ranging from coastal to mountains to farm fields and forests.
The accomodation was just "WOW" ranging from hotels to old forts and castles.
Our arrival in the square was very electric with all the others who had completed there journey the atmosphere was alive with happy joyous people having completed their journey.
Lebrun, Canada,We are a senior couple from Canada, ages 71.5 (wife) and 77 that booked directly with the company and chose the basic unguided bike rental package. This included one hybrid bike and an electric assist bike for the wife, second tier hotel accommodation, the shuttle of our personal luggage between hotels, and a walking tour of Porto. We appreciated the personalized service given to us by insuring that we had the right size bikes, providing us with an emergency phone and Garmin GPS unit for route finding, and keeping in contact with us daily via email. All the hotels were able to provide us with breakfast with the exception of the one in Caminha. This latter hotel served breakfast too late and it was in a very noisy location with loud people on the street leaving club(s) between 5:30 to 6:30 a.m. Overall, the accommodations provided met our expectations. The cycling route worked out by the company exceeded my expectations and we appreciated that there was a good attempt to be faithful to the designated Camino which was not intended for bikes. The alternate routing needed in some places worked out really well. The GPS track was a necessity and hugely better than relying on maps. As for the of the itinerary of 6 days, the distances set by the company worked out really well and allowed us to complete each day at a reasonable time (as early as 2:30 p.m. and as late as 5:30 p.m.). Our average start time on the road was between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. with a later start at Caminha because of the ferry crossing times. We truly enjoyed to long boardwalks along the beaches in Portugal.There are challenging sections on the route including steepness, as well as, rough and sandy trail surfaces, the kind of challenge I expected but could be overwhelming for some people. Keeping the latter in mind, I highly recommend this self-guided adventure.
Garry Gartex, New Zeland,This is our 2nd tour with Top Bike Tours of Portugal the 1st being the Silver Coast. Sergio put together a fantastic tour to Santiago de Compostela following one of the Camino Trails.
Porto is an amazing city to start the rides with plenty of things to do and see and if you have a like of seafood your in the right place.
The accommodation was excellent the whole way even staying in old forts, castles and hotels. The bikes were excellent and very comfortable. Having the Garman GPS helps you keep to the trail and are easy to operate. The tour followed the coast on bike trails and then riding through villages and forests was amazing. We passed many walkers on the Camino Trail and found everyone to be very friendly calling out Bom Camino as we ride by.
The finish in Santiago de Compostela was incredible, riding into the square seeing all the people celebrating their achievement.
There were plenty of places to pick up morning tea, lunches and dinners. Breakfasts were included.
I certainly would recommend Sergio and his team at Top Bike Tours of Portugal.
Fernanda Tassara, Brazil,Viajei na verdade com meus país porque adoramos viagens a pedalar! A escolha da empresa não poderia ser melhor! Deu tudo certo do início ao fim.. Desde a escolha dos hotéis até os trajetos bacanas e difíceis que passamos. A equipe está muito bem orientada e sempre esteve certeira com indicações de locais para irmos em cada cidade que chegávamos...muito atenciosos e preocupados com nosso bem estar sempre. Agradeço ao Pedro, Sérgio, Guilerme e Tiago por terem tornado essa parte da minha viagem ainda mais espetacular!!
Ron Shea, USA,Top Bike Tours-Trip Advisor
Exceeded all our expectations!
In early June 2022 my wife and I joined a group of international travelers for an ebike trip along the Camino from Porto to Santiago de Compostela.
This trip with Top Bike Tours Portugal was guided by owner Sergio and his assistant João. We were immediately impressed with their great coordination and professionalism during a week of fun riding and exploring.
The tour began in Porto with a “meet and greet” at our hotel on the day before the ride to get aquainted and get fitted properly to our ebikes. Being ebike owners, we were impressed with the quality of the equipment and instruction. Our group had many riders who had no experience on an ebike and they all learned very quickly how to optimize the electrical assistance when needed. This would come in handy at various points along our route when we approached an incline or daunting looking hill. The call among the group came to be “Turbo!”when the lead was starting a climb, as this was the maximum assist level on the bikes, and it made the climbs almost effortless️
One our first morning of the ride we gathered at the bike shop to begin the first leg of our journey. Sergio and João led us along coast bike paths of beautiful scenery. The route each day was well chosen to be easy and safe for all, with plenty of breaks for snacks and water.
An additional highlight for us was that the group was made up of new friends from Canada, Brazil, Australia, Portugal and the US. Our conversations around the table at lunches and dinners opened a window into another world of cultures we were unfamiliar with an excited to learn about. This was an unexpected bonus that created new friendships
Everything about the trip was well planned for safety, comfort, scenery and variety,and FUN!
We rode on bike paths, boardwalks along the dunes, dirt trails and a very limited number of smaller roads, with the occassional crossing of roads. Sergio and João planned ahead so the support van blocked traffic if we had to make any crossing of a busy road. Our safety was their priority.
The trip was also well paced to fit all of our riding capabilities.
We can’t say enough good things about our group of riders. We ranged in age from 45-72 yrs and bonded right away This was all due to Sergio being a great lead and João an exemplary assistant. João was a wealth of information on the history of Portugal, its olive oil and cork industries and almost any question you might have.
In summary, we have done lots of city bike tours on ebikes, but this was our first long trip(300km). We had a wonderful time and plan to do more trips with Top Bike Tours️
If you are considering a bike trip in Portugal we can’t recommend highly enough contacting Sergio and his great team at Top Bike Tours Portugal. You will not be disappointed!
Boa Viagem!
Mary, Melbourne, Australia,We completed the Porto to Santiago ride via the coastal route which included a very informative city tour of Porto on the first day which was a nice touch, The tour followed a large portion of the Camino way so was on tracks with other walkers. It did therefore require some good bike handling skills (our's improved along the way). The customer service from Sergio was first class. He responded to all our emails very quickly. We gave him some feedback on some of the trails that had deteriorated and he immediately investigated and altered the trails for subsequent tours. We did a self guided tour which relied on a GPS. The maps were VERY accurate finishing right outside the front door of the hotel at the end of each day. Great and varied scenery and very enjoyable.
L.G. Friedricht, USA,We rode from Porto to Santiago de Compostela May 18 - 24, 2022. We added an extra day in Santiago to explore the Cathedral and get our Camino certificates. The route was scenic and well chosen. The Garmin gps provided and well as the downloaded route in the "RidewithGPS" app made our independent navigation effortless. The accommodations provided as well as the baggage service were excellent. Riders should be aware that the first 3 days are relatively flat but the last 3 from Baiona to Santiago de Compostela contain some tough climbs that will require walking (or pushing) your bike unless you are a very strong rider. Consider an e-bike option if you are a casual rider.
Mark Mander, Coldbrook, Nova Scotia,I had the pleasure of organizing 18 friends from Canada on this extraordinary trip. From day one we were taken care of and totally immersed in the Portuguese and Spanish culture. Sergio, Jose and Pedro provided us with a safe, scenic and inspiring journey along the Camino. The challenge of cycling on the cobble stones and the sometimes-rough terrain made it all that more worthwhile. It in the end gave you the sense of accomplishment, that you earned the Compostela. The mixture of the beautiful coastline and interesting people we met along the way made the trip all that much more enjoyable. In Sergio, Jose and Pedro we found more than just a touring company. We found a group of people who are committed to the customer experience and needs. Along this extraordinary journey we also found folks we can truly call friend: Sergio, Jose and Pedro. This is my 3rd cycling trip and by far it was the best. I would highly recommend this company, this trip and the Camino.
Finian, Irland,7-Day The Way of St James Bike Tour- The Coast Path - Camino to Santiago.
My wife and I who are the wrong side of 65yrs.did this cycle trip recently guided my Sergio and back up by John in the van looking after stuff like our refreshment needs along the way, light entertainment through pleasant conversation and transportation of our luggage . We had the best fun on a holiday for years despite the physical exertion of cycling approx.280km in 6 days which wasn't a bother urged on by our fellow cyclists a most cheerful sprightly bunch of companions you could hope to end up with without prior arrangement .The comfort of "playing follow the leader "who was our man Sergio was really the icing on the cake and added to our confidence dealing with mixed terrain including main roads and traffic .For non habitual cyclists we really loved the experience and would have no hesitation in doing something similar again in the not too distant future with Top Bike Tours.
Megan Dempsey, USA,I did the Coastal Route Bike Tour from Porto to Santiago de Compostela. What a FABULOUS trip from beginning to end! The scenery, lodging, the guides, rhe comraderie of the group, and the electric bike all contributed to a wonderful and very enjoyable 8 days. The guides, Sergio and John, were professional, friendly and helpful.
I f you want to do a bike tour in Portugal, use Top BIke Tours. I highly recommend them; you will not be disappointed
Ralph Wolff, USA,We did a self-guided tour and Serio and his team provided wonderful support. We did the coastal route. We got new bikes equipped with a GPS programmed for each day's ride, restaurant recommendations, and ongoing support. The ride itself was beautiful and meaningful to ride along the beaches in Portugal and the walking trails in Spain. It was great to be on the pilgrimage path so many have used over the centuries.
Jeffrey, USA,I have been cycle touring in Europe for over twenty years and hands down this was the best trip I have ever taken. Check every box. Sergio the owner takes great pride and makes every effort to make the experience wonderful. Fantastic scenery. The best hotels, one of which was the best hotel I can ever remember staying at. The bicycles were new and performed flawlessly. Every detail was covered from pick up at the airport, fitting bicycles, walking tour of Porto the day before departure on our ride, 4 star hotels, GPS units with route outlined, pick up at the end of our trip and transport back to the airport. Finally I have to add that Sergio's staff were all super friendly and helpful. Except for one day of pouring rain which is out of anyone's control I would have to say the trip was perfect.
Susan, Nebraska,My husband and I led bicycle tours in Nebraska for 30 years then started taking small groups to enjoy cycling adventures in Europe in 2018 with our new organization, Hound Dog Cycling Adventures. We contracted with Top Bike Tours Portugal for a 10-day trip which included cycling from Portu, Portugal to Santiago, Spain along the beautiful Camino coastal route. Sergio and his team of professionals provided top notch bicycles, support and guidance. They were very detailed oriented, accessible, caring, polite and most of all FUN! We know how difficult it can be to take care of cycling groups on these types of trips--they exceeded our expectations and expertly helped us through some challenging situations (beyond our control). We highly recommend Top Bike Tours Portugal and would love to come back and do another tour someday.
Richard, USA,Porto to Santiago El Camino, seaside bicycle tour, while challenging at times, even on an ebike, the route was incredible, and the food and accommodations were amazing. Sergio and his crew (JoJo we called him) and Pedro) were a joy to be with, and full of fun and knowledge.
Neil, USA,I just got back from my bike tour of the Camino coastal path. I can't say enough nice things about Sergio and his team Enrique and Tiago . They really made everything happen right on this ebike tour that my friend Jeff and I took. Every detail was taken care of and the route was interesting and well supported. Even when I wasn't able to ride one day because of a health issue, Sergio made accommodation for me.
I had a great time and can't wait to go back again with my wife and daughter.
The trip was very fairly priced, many excellent and memorable hotels, and the bikes worked well. thank you Sergio,Tiago, and Enrique
Sergio Fernandez, USA,We did the Santiago de Compostela 6 day pilgrimage. Awesome experience. Sergio was a great guide and Joao provided top of the line support. We are planning on the next vacation and definitely will go on a bike tour with them.
Ohio, USA,Outstanding bike tour! My husband and I have taken many bike tours; both domestically and abroad. This trip was absolutely excellent; the route, the quality of the bicycles, the accommodations and (best of all) the guides. We learned about the Camino, enjoyed spectacular scenery along Portugal and Spain's coast and celebrated with all the Pilgrims when we reached Santiago do Compestela. We had every level of cyclist on the trip and all of us enjoyed it immensely. I would recommend Sergio and Top Bike to anyone.
Wania, Brasil,fizemos (eu e meu marido) a rota Porto a Santiago de Compostela pelo litoral.
Gostamos demais, foi sensacional, Sérgio foi excelente, tudo muito bem preparado, as bikes são ótimas e muito novas, o GPS estava preciso, o app era ótimo também.
Os hotéis foram excelentes, e ficamos extremamente satisfeitos com nosso tour. parabéns a empresa.
Com certeza, se possível faremos de novo!
Gennadiy, Ukrain,Excellent service for Camino biking
Good bikes and equipment , nice hotels on the route with restaurant recommendations
João, Brasil,Fizemos a peregrinação de Porto a Santiago de Compostela, de bicicleta utilizando o apoio da Top Bike, só temos elogios, tudo funcionou perfeitamente, desde a qualidade das bicicletas a logística do transportes das malas de um hotel ao outro e o ponto mais importante, a qualidade dos hotéis, recomendo a que for fazer este passeio, usar os serviços.
Mel, Canada,Out experience with Top Bike Tours Portugal was amazing! We loved every minute of our Porto to Santiago bike tour. We went with the ebike option, and were so glad we did. The bikes were very high quality, and it made the long days much more enjoyable. The hotels were AMAZING, so beautiful and unique. And the staff was so great, loved John and John :). I would recommend this tour to anyone and everyone!
Jan Brisbane, Australia,Sergio and his team did themselves proud - congratulations. This is a bike tour with a difference....from the excellent personal service, to the included walking tour of Porto, to the interesting and varied ride, to the high standard of the hotels especially the absolute gem Torre de Rio at the end of day 5.
The ride for the most part follows the Portuguese Caminho way, so is not always smooth and easy, but this is to be expected by its very nature, and adds to the challenge.
My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and unreservedly recommend it to all enthusiastic cyclists.
Jim Gioa, USA,I recently completed The Way of St. James bike tour, and it could not have been a better experience. We were a large group, over twenty, but Sergio, Jose, Tiago and Pedro all worked incredibly hard to not only keep us all safe and on course but to feel personally cared for in spite of such a large group. I was one of two vegetarians on the trip, and even though lunch and dinner were technically "on your own" our guides took great care to make sure we were well fed. The route itself was beautiful and varied. The first few days were remarkable for their beautiful ocean views. Crossing into Spain, and moving inland we cycled down country roads through small town and villages, and through the woods on beautiful paths. The accommodations beat all my expectations, we stayed in some truly special hotels, a real treat after a day on the bike. The bikes were all in great shape and checked out every night. I had an issue one day with my bike not shifting properly (most likely because I knocked the derailleur after a clumsy little spill that morning) It was fixed immediately and worked perfectly for the rest of the trip.
Suzanne C, Alaska,We did a self-guided bike trip from Porto to Santiago. An amazing trip - beautiful and fun with varied terrain and scenery. Our bikes were perfect, and the GPS (once we got it all figured out) provided all the direction we needed. They chose great hotels and lovely sites to see. I can't recommend this highly enough.
Michelle, USA,My husband and I had the unbelievable pleasure of cycling the Coastal Route of the Camino de Santiago with Top Bike Tours Portugal. There wasn’t one thing I would have changed about this experience. We are in our 60s, and knew we wanted an experience that would have us staying at nice hotels with warm showers along the way. This and every other exceptional detail was provided by Sergio and his expert team.
When we first met in Porto, Sergio introduced us to his crew, our fellow riders, and the bikes that would be carrying us to Compostela. Our bikes were amazing — strong, current, and extremely well-maintained. We were each provided with a saddlebag to carry anything we wanted along the journey. Our luggage was transported by van to the hotels while we made the daily journey by bike. One of the crew would act as our guide, cycling ahead of us and making sure everyone stayed safe and relatively together. We’re so glad we chose that option as we wonder in retrospect how we would have found many of the smaller more obscure trails.
By the end of the trip, guides Sergio and John both seemed like family. They each went out of their way to make sure that every person completed a ‘bucket list’ adventure. Thank you, Top Portugal Bike Tours! We will never forget you or the 5-star experience you provided.
Graeme Nicholas, New Zeland,This is a top class Top Bike Tour. Well organized. Very efficient management and guides, good value for money (even with $NZ), fantastic accommodation and top support along the way from start to finish. Top English, top humour, top local knowledge, top scenery top equipment and top bikes. It was great fun, there were 9 on the tour and it went better than clock work. We were well watered along the way and provided with snacks and fruit if you wanted them. We stopped at interesting attractions along the way museums, fish market, local towns and villages. The distances and terraine each day were well structured and very manageable on E Bikes. Each night an option for dinner was arranged if you wished to participate. These were on the whole exceptional and well priced, better than you would likely arrange yourself. Sergio, owner/manage/guide and his trusty young sidekick, Henrique were the nothing short of fantastic in their care, organisation and local knowledge. Well done guys. We hope to see you again.
Lincoln, USA,We biked from Porto to Santiago de Compostela. It was an once in a lifetime adventure. I could go on and on about the guides, our journey, the vistas, the food, the stays, etc. All were awesome, Thank you Sergio, Joao and Pedro for all that you did.
Chris, USA,Our party of eight did the eight day self-guided Camino de Santiago E-Bike Tour. Wonderful trip! The scenery was spectacular, the e-bikes were almost new (two of them were brand new), the GPS route finding was excellent, the hotels were all very comfortable, and the baggage handling was flawless. Most of the riding was on dedicated bike paths, backroads, or elevated wood paths. There were a few short sections of sand that required pushing the bikes and a few busy stretches of road (all with good shoulders). Two memorable hotels are Parador de Baiona in Bayona which is inside a castle, and Torre do Rio in Caldas Dos Reis which is in a remodeled 18th century textile mill featuring a waterfall pool and spectacular gardens.
The GPS guidance takes you from door-to-door of each hotel on the tour. We got off track at least once per day but with the GPS it is easy to get back on route. I recommend using both the Garmin GPS provided by Top Bikes and the "Ride with GPS" route that Top Bike will help you load on your phone at the orientation session.
We had a few days of rain near the end of the trip but fortunately it came in short intense bursts that we could wait out in a sheltered spot. We did the tour in early September so it was quite warm. I recommend taking a bike raincoat and possibly a helmet cover. The panniers provided by Top Bike are waterproof.
We are already planning our next self-guided bike tour!
Kevin, USA,We were treated to a great tour of Porto the day before our tour to Santiago Spain started. It was wonderful. The tour itself was nothing short of amazing. The hotels were top-notch and an experience in itself. The owner of Topbiketours made sure everything went seamlessly and made our journey memorable.