Bike tours Portugal

Visit all around Portugal on a bicycle with our expert guides

Bike tours in Portugal

At Top Bike Tours Portugal, the art of creating cycling routes for you to enjoy good times in communion with nature is our passion.

In this case, this passion must be shared, which is why, over the next few lines, we'll help you create your bike tour.

Tips and strategies for creating a bike route

Before you can mount your touring bike, there is a lot of work to do and answers to questions about the type of terrain on the route, the type of bike to use or the safety measures to adopt.

Let's start with the choice of route:

1. choosing the route of the bike tour: technology and tools

The first step in creating a cycling route is to choose the route.

To do this, choose a region of the country and study its map or use one of the many existing digital navigation tools to plan your route, such as the well-known Strava, Komoot or Garmin Connect.

Remember to define the route according to the touring bike you will be using and, especially, your physical fitness and experience.

So, if you just want a good afternoon without any major orographic difficulties, choose a route with no climbs or, if there are any, that are easy to cross, and keep an eye on the weather.

On the other hand, if you feel strong enough to tackle winding routes through forests or other steeper routes, don't hesitate and bet on a route full of difficulties.

What's more, you can add a cultural touch to your tour by passing by monuments or landmarks of interest.

It is also important to decide whether you are going to take a topographical chart with you or a navigation system.

While a map can allow you to make notes and free yourself from the limitations of navigation systems, such as the battery, GPS systems offer you a more detailed terrain analysis capability (including gradients and mileage), as well as the possibility of downloading your chosen map.

Note that if your aim is to organize, for example, a bike ride in Lisbon or Porto, the itinerary planning should avoid high-traffic areas and focus on cycle paths.

2. Type of bike

When planning your route, you'll need to consider the type of touring bike you'll be using:

a) Road, gravel or mountain bike

On your Portugal cycling tours, choose a route that favors roads with good surfaces (road bikes), off-road on gravel and loose dirt tracks (gravel) or winding forest tracks (mountain biking).

b) Leisure bike

In this case, the route should be as simple, easy and fun-oriented as possible. Favor bike paths, greenways, marked footpaths and lanes and make the most of your excursion by passing by places of historical, natural or cultural interest.

3. Accommodation and supplies

On routes lasting more than one day or that are very difficult, it is important that you not only calculate the mileage of the stages at the start, but also make sure you have accommodation and, above all, points where you can refuel.

If the goal is just a quiet family bike ride, plan a picnic break and stops to enjoy points of interest.

4. Logistics

Although GPS systems make navigation easier, it's important to take a map or a power bank with you, lest the device's battery runs out.

What's more, it's essential that you don't forget to take it with you:

  • A good quality helmet adapted to the shape of your head;
  • Comfortable sportswear;
  • An ergonomic backpack;
  • Spare inner tubes and repair kit;
  • Pump for filling tires or CO cartridge2 and filling device;
  • Multi-purpose tool;
  • Cell phone;
  • Raincoat;
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent;
  • Cereal bars, fruit and water.

5. Security measures

Whichever route you choose, you need to be concerned about your safety and that of your fellow travelers when planning your route.

So don't forget to wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads, avoid sidewalks (in the case of city routes), take out insurance, have your bike serviced and alert the authorities to the route you're taking so that, if necessary, it's easier for them to help you.

If you use national or secondary roads, always respect the Highway Code because, in addition to the possible physical and material consequences of an accident, you could also be fined.

To conclude

As you can see, as long as you take care and plan carefully, you'll be able to create a bike tour and choose a route for a good time, either alone or with family or friends who share your spirit of adventure.

If you want an even more culturally enriching experience without having to get on a bike, take a look at our walking tours on the Top Walking Tours Portugal website.

Have fun!

About Us

Founded in 2013, Top Bike tours Portugal is a company with experience in pedestrian and cycling tours in the city of Porto and long distance cycling routes to the north of the Iberian Peninsula and all around Portugal.

Contact Info

R. João das Regras 62
4000-290 Porto

400 m of Trindade Metro, near Oporto City Hall

Tel: (+351) 220 997 106
​Telm: (+351) 915 316 999​


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